Saturday, May 19, 2012

Week Four: Gender and Family Life

Now, let me start by saying that this post might be a little more "touchy" than the others, so keep that in mind as you read.

Men and women are different.  Boys and girls start act differently starting shortly after birth.  Lets seem some of these differences that we noticed while discussing our observations from life and readings:

Detail oriented
Navigate by landmarks
Relationship oriented
White matter (in the brain) making connections

Spacial oriented (north, south, etc.)
Task oriented
Grey matter (in the brain) processing things

Before you jump to any conclusions, I am in no way stating that all women or all men have and/or are defined by all these qualities or traits.  However, I am acknowledging that these are typically common among most people of these genders.  There seems to be a distinct difference between men and women, and for many purposes and reasons. And despite this known fact about our differences, some men may have womanly traits, while some women may have more manly traits.  Now, just because someone might be born with these behavioral traits doesn't mean that they'll innately have same-gender attraction tendencies.  In fact, those seem to be developed due to a pattern that Bro. Williams seems to have noticed in his studies and through clinical research and observation.

Ready for the touchy subject?  Most people with same-gender attraction seem to have gone through a similar pattern as the one I am about to share as described by Bro. Williams.  First, there are a few differences at birth which might lead to gender typical (GT) or gender A-typical (GA) behaviors.  These behaviors lead to personal and peer activities that are either GT or GA associated.  Unfortunately, this is where some differences seem to be "spotted" between them and others their age.  The sad truth is that around this time many of these young people shortly thereafter have an erotic experience where they are either act or are acted upon by someone and in one way or another sexualized.   This is a horrific thing, and once again, I state it is a touchy topic.  But after this process of behavior, activities, and sexualization occur is typically when the "identity" of same-gender attraction occurs.

The pattern I just explained is not the case for all males or females who feel attracted to the same gender, but is proven to be the case for many of them.  In the end, what everyone wants is to have an intimate (now remember, I mean that as in closeness and love, not just a sexual way) relationship with someone.  Everyone wants to be wanted.

Men and Women are different for a number of reasons.  There are specific family roles that are designated for each gender, for divine purposes.  Each of us can find within ourselves our true nature and character and know from God himself how we can fulfill our purposes and roles, no matter what obstacles or trials we may be facing.

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